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Every Leader’s Journey is Unique

The demands of ministry leadership evolve over time. MDI is here to help you
navigate the season that you are in and prepare for the course ahead. 


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God uses Mentors to find a path that no one knew was there. While consulting firms focus on the organization and mentoring firms focus on the leader, MDI’s Integrated Mentoring & Consulting brings the two into focus simultaneously.  The strength of the IMC Lens is that strategies are made taking into account both the organizations’ needs and the leader’s strengths.

The result is thriving leaders, positioned in strength, equipped with custom tailored plans to move their organizations forward.

By providing these services free-of-charge to leaders, we’re able to help them navigate the season they are in and prepare for the course ahead.

Business Meeting



  • Leadership Development

  • Burnout Prevention

  • Transition/Succession Planning

  • Core Competencies of Ministry Leadership


  • Growth Strategy 

  • Strategic Planning

  • Project Management


  • Board Recruitment

  • Board Engagement


  • Organizational Culture

  • Team Development

  • Financial Management


  • Annual Fundraising Plan

  • Major Donor Strategy


  • Resource Management

  • Impact Analysis

  • Process Improvement

Leaders who come to MDI receive renewed vision and their ministries receive the benefit of that clarity through

streamlined processes, refined focus, and strategies

that ultimately grow their ministries.

Have you been looking for a Mentor to come alongside you?

Our team is here to offer wisdom and experience.

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Ministry leaders receive the best MDI has to offer by gaining expertise from a variety of Mentors. Every relationship begins with an intake meeting (see diagram below) and then moves into a Discovery Session with your own MDI team. From there, you and your Mentor team will identify your initial goals and outline a Scope of Work to begin tackling. This initial phase typically lasts 3-6 sessions on average and then you can celebrate, evaluate and determine whether you and the team want to pause or re-engage on the next cycle. Our engagement cycle allows everyone involved to carve out time in phases as we tackle goals together.

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MDI is often asked how new ministry leaders are selected.  As an organization we believe strongly in the leading of the Holy Spirit to guide and direct leaders to MDI as God sees fit.  Once a leader approaches MDI requesting service, the following factors are considered:

nonprofit focus

  • You profess to be a Christ follower

  • Your organization has an intentional Christian purpose, whether registered as religious or not. 

  • Your ministry is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3), NGO, fiscal sponsee or equivalent

  • MDI may from time to time consider working with for-profit entities, but in these cases MDI charges for services as a fundraising effort to support our mission.

to the Process

  • You're seeking a service that MDI provides

  • You're comfortable with the team dynamic of MDI’s services

  • You're willing to dedicate the time, commit to prayer and invest yourself fully in the MDI process within the determined engagement cycle

One Campus to
Multiple Ministry Sites

Ryan LaSuer is Executive Director Community Care Fellowship located in Nashville, TN. Click Watch below to see his story and see how strategic planning completely helped pivot his organization into a transformative ministry that is renewing the city's impact on homelessness.

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